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Undergraduate Courses
War Games and Simulations (click here for more information)
Data Science and Foreign Policy Crises (click here for more information)
The Causes of War
Foreign Policy Analysis
American Foreign Policy
International Organizations
Asian Politics
Research Methods in Political Science
Senior Seminar
Introduction to International Relations
Introduction to Model United Nations
Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
American Government


Introduction to Politics


Graduate Courses
Methodology of Research
International Relations Theory
Contemporary International Relations
Major Asian Political Systems



For undergraduate students, my primary goal is not to produce students who can still recite textbook definitions after taking the course, but to change the way that students process incoming information about international relations and political science. One year after taking an introductory course, students may struggle to remember the myriad of facts that they memorized for their exams (especially if that course is part of their general education requirements), but the next time that they hear political pundits discussing, say, whether to send foreign aid to a particular country, I hope that they will think more critically about the potential effects of that aid. Training students to think is more important than training them to know, although ideally a good instructor can do both.


For graduate students, whether the course is theoretically substantive or methods-focused, the goal is for students to develop their ability to create new knowledge. Theoretically substantive seminars train graduate students to synthesize large numbers of readings, make connections between readings, and identify possible extensions of the current literature. Methods courses train graduate students to identify the best approach to answering their research questions and producing the extensions that they identify in the current literature.

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